Here is a short code snippet to add
A TaxonomyWebTaggingControl (Taxonomy Field) to the webpart/ custom
control or application page.
Step 1 : Add Reference of the Assemble
: Microsoft.SharePoint.Taxonomy
Step 2 : Register
Taxonomy to the page.
Other detailed Properties can be found at taxonomywebtaggingcontrol properties.
Step 4 : Now
Assigning Managed Mata Data to TaxonomyWebTaggingControl.
This can be done in
two ways.
1. Statically
2. Using Code ( Dynamically).
Set four properties in the above code.
* Must Set
SspId : TermStore Id (in form of Guid)
: TermStore Id (in form of Guid)
* Set only if IsDisplayPickerButton value is true.
SSPList : TermSet Id (in form
of Guid)
TermSetList : TermSet Id (in form of Guid)
Using Code ( Dynamically).
use this code to set these
values at runtime (in Page Load Event)
Note :
* Managed Metadata Service //
TermStore Name
* tGroup //TermStore Group
* tTermSet //TermSet within Group
Enjoy, you can now run the application and check the output.