Sharepoint Integration using Client

If we want to fetch data from sharepoint and use it in .net Application(Web App or Win App)

The steps are as under…

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  1. Copy three dll files in the Application
    1. Microsoft.Sharepoint.dll
    2. Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.dll
    3. Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client.Runtime.dll
  2. Add the reference of these three files to the Application
  3. Add the function for the Data AccessLayer
    (This Code is for getting all categories)

    1. public
      ListItemCollection GetAllCategory()
    2. {

    3. List resultlist = null;

    4. ListItemCollection items = null;

    5. //List<Category> resultList = new List<Category>();

    6. //Category category = null;

    7. try
    8. {

    9. string webUrl = "http://domain:port";

    10. NetworkCredential credentials = new
      NetworkCredential("UserName", "Password", "Domain");

    11. using (var clientContext = new
    12. {
    13. clientContext.Credentials = credentials;
    14. resultlist = clientContext.Web.Lists.GetByTitle("Categories");

    15. StringBuilder query = new

    16. query.Append("<View />");

    17. CamlQuery caml = new
    18. caml.ViewXml = query.ToString();

    19. items = resultlist.GetItems(caml);
    20. clientContext.Load(items);
    21. clientContext.ExecuteQuery();
    22. }
    23. }

    24. catch (Exception exception)
    25. {

    26. Console.WriteLine(exception.Message);

    27. }

    28. return items;
    29. }
  4. Add the function for the Business Layer
    (This Code is for getting all categories)
    1. public
      List<Category> GetAllCategory()
    2. {

    3. List<Category> lstctg = new

    4. CategoryDataAccess CDA = new

    5. try
    6. {

    7. ListItemCollection lst = CDA.GetAllCategory();

    8. foreach(ListItem item in lst)
    9. {

    10. Category ct = new
    11. ct.CategoryId = item.Id;
    12. ct.Description = item["Description"].ToString();
    13. ct.Title = item["Title"].ToString();
    14. lstctg.Add(ct);
    15. }

    16. return lstctg;
    17. }

    18. catch (Exception ex)
    19. {

    20. throw ex;
    21. }
    22. }
  5. This will generate the List of Entities(Category) and return to the view Layer
  6. This functions explain how to set the authority for the sharepoint site.

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